Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

Cade got a new toy for Valentine's Day- he loves this thing!!!!

And we put together his Rainforest Bouncer. He can't really touch the ground so we did the pillow trick that many of you have taught me. He likes it but not like he does that walker!!

And just an update on his solid foods- he HATES bananas! We will keep trying but as of now he just gets really upset!! But he LOVES applesauce!

And my hubby took me to PF Chang's- our Valentine's Day tradition- and bought me some new diamond earrings! What a great hubby!!!!
Here's Cade in one of his Valentine's outfits! He was cuddling and showing some love to his big sisters.


Stephanie, Daneel, Avalon & Julie said...

How fun to have 2 valentine's this year! I love his expression in the high chair picture. Too cute.

The Ealy's said...

I thought walkers were illegal?? If not, I need to know where you go it! T needs one!